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  • Wyatt Ohle

Foundation Repair Options in Kansas City

If you've noticed signs of foundation damage in your home, such as cracks in your walls or uneven floors, it's important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Fortunately, there are several foundation repair options available to homeowners in the Kansas City area. In this blog post, we'll explore the various foundation repair options and help you understand which solution may be best for your unique situation.


Piering is a popular foundation repair option that involves installing piers under your home's foundation to provide additional support. There are two main types of piers: push piers and helical piers. Push piers are installed by driving them into the ground until they reach a stable soil layer. Helical piers are screwed into the ground using a rotating motion.


  • Provides long-lasting support for your home's foundation

  • Can be installed in tight spaces

  • Does not require extensive excavation

  • Can be used for both residential and commercial properties


  • Can be expensive, especially if multiple piers are needed

  • May not be effective if the foundation damage is caused by soil composition issues

Crack Repair

If you have noticed cracks in your walls or foundation, crack repair may be a viable option. This involves filling in the cracks with a specialized material to prevent further damage.


  • Relatively inexpensive compared to other foundation repair options

  • Can be completed quickly

  • Can prevent further damage


  • May not be effective if the underlying foundation issue is not addressed

  • May not provide long-term support for your home's foundation

Wall Stabilization

Wall stabilization is another foundation repair option that can be used if you have noticed leaning or bowing walls. This involves installing steel beams or carbon fiber strips to provide additional support and prevent further movement.


  • Provides long-term support for your home's walls

  • Can be less expensive than other foundation repair options

  • Can be completed relatively quickly


  • May not be effective if the underlying foundation issue is not addressed

  • May require extensive excavation


If you have noticed signs of foundation damage in your home, it's important to contact a professional foundation repair company to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action. There are several foundation repair options available to homeowners in the Kansas City area, including piering, crack repair, and wall stabilization. Each option has its pros and cons, and the best solution for your unique situation will depend on several factors. Our team of experts at Olympic Foundation Repair at can help you understand your options and recommend the best course of action for your home's foundation. Give us a call to schedule your free estimate at (913) 259-7004

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